Think about the people you admire who have created excellence in their life. No doubt the desire for what they do came first, they persisted on their chosen path and were ultimately rewarded with wealth.
Think about top people and household names like golfer Tiger Woods, TV presenter & businesswoman Oprah Winfrey, film producer and household name Steven Spielberg, real estate king Donald Trump.
They could have led ordinary lives, focussed on paying bills, complained about not having enough money or time but instead they had a dream, a goal, a desire and they lived and breathed it. They put it out to the universe. They told others, they enrolled others in their dream. They worked when everyone else was sleeping. They read books, they studied mindset and ultimately they became the person they wanted to be.
Can we all do this? Can we really?
I believe when we fall in love with what we want to achieve, we focus on it all the time. Can you remember being head-over-heels in love with a boyfriend or girlfriend, so besotted that you could hardly eat or think about anything else? Well so it is with finding your life's passion and being so determined to bring it to reality that nothing will stop you. Oh yes there will be obstacles, rocks along the way, and setbacks, even heartaches but if we stay focussed and driven, the only outcome can be success.
“He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

As part of my training with Christopher Howard, I will learn the process of Cognitive Re-Imprinting which is a technique to discover the mindset, values and beliefs of achievers then install them in ourselves. Choosing to model the best of the best.
I encourage you to read and watch biographies to find out what inspires achievers.
“It isn't what the book costs; it's what it will cost if you don't read it.” - Jim Rohn
©Antonia Harrison 2008 from Personal Development for the 21st Century