Do you have a book in you? Many people do but have no idea how to bring it to fruition. In these times of digital media, Kindle and iPad, a traditional paper copy is not the only way to go.
There is a wealth of information which might spark your creative juices.
I recommend the blog
Two acquaintances of mine, Bert Verdonck & Mindy Gibbins, publish
Write a Book in 100 Days
Mindy Gibbins is The Book Midwife
A great resource for Printing on Demand is Ecademy Press.
I also recommend you consider John Eggen. He gave a teleseminar last week about how to "Write a Client-Attracting Book Fast that Makes Up to $150,000 Before It's Published" (and more thereafter)?
It was an exceptionally content-rich teleseminar.
If you've ever dreamed of writing and publishing a book -- or are doing it now -- I recommend you download the recording from this event (available for a limited time
Claim your John Eggen teleseminar recording
You will discover:
* Why now (more than ever) a book can bring you more and
better clients who will gladly pay you the fees you
* Top 5 ways to attract new clients from a book BEFORE it's even written
* Why traditional publishing works against an independent professional and how insiders really use a book to attract clients and build a business
* How to write and publish this caliber of book in as few as 90 days
* An excellent Q&A session
Robert Middleton, the well-known marketing expert, has had more than 244 of his clients benefit significantly from John´s programs already. Robert endorses him very highly. Listen to this replay and you'll see why Robert recommends him frequently.
NOTE: I suggest you listen to the recording in the next 24 hours. There is a valuable free gift (a $500.00 value) offered to attendees during the interview. But it is a time-limited free gift.