Tuesday 6 May 2008

Fast Tracking Success Through Cognitive Profiling

by Christopher Howard

The most successful people in the world did not reach the top of their game by just asking the question, How can I make a huge amount of money? They became the top leaders in their fields by asking, What can I do to provide the most value to the largest number of people?

Now, a lot of people might say, I dont care why they did what they did. I just want to know how they did it so I can do it too. Well, the how actually exists within the subtler aspects of personality such as values, beliefs and attitudes. It is these often overlooked components of a Cognitive Profile that provide some of the key distinctions differentiating billionaires and world leaders from so many others who struggle in their businesses. It is precisely these internal factors that, when modeled through Cognitive Profiling, can drive anyone to create wealth and influence on a grand scale.

Cognitive Profiling is the system of breaking down the internal matrix of any role model to replicate their success patterns. Most beginners believe that if they only had the proper resources and financial backing, their business would make it big. But any seasoned entrepreneur will tell you from experience its a persons inner resources that back long-term success. Creating a Cognitive Profile allows you to, in the shortest amount of time possible, gain those key inner resources you may be lacking.

To Create a Cognitive Profile:

1. Choose your role models.
Start with a few people who are getting the results you want for yourself and your business. They do not necessarily have to be in your specific field. Richard Branson is not a Speaker or Trainer. However, I chose him for his obvious entrepreneurial genius, and because fun and adventure are high on both our values lists; and Oprah Winfrey because we share a primary motivation toward empowering others.

2. Study your role models in depth.
Re-imprinting yourself for ultimate achievement begins with saturating your mind with new mindsets to increase your own behavioural choices. During this stage of the change work, you want to absorb the most information in the least amount of time. This is accomplished by Genius Reading a technique of speed-reading to glean the necessary traits and strategies from this persons experience. Speed is important because a) rapid firing of new referential experiences within the neurology can alter patterns from the past; and b) because you want success now, not somewhere down the road! Choose to take on whichever aspects of your role models personalities serve your own purpose. You may realise you want their business strategies, but not their values. Fame, for example, may not be of high importance to you, but some of Madonna's marketing strategies could give your business a much-needed shot-in-the-arm.

3. Create a Mind Map
Write down all of those internal processes and external behavioural patterns that made the difference in your role model's success. This step continues their integration into your own conscious and unconscious mind. On what criteria did they base decisions? What attitudes assisted them? How did they deal with stress? What skill sets made the difference? What values compelled their actions? When I began to study Oprah Winfrey I recognised that, whether starting a magazine, production company or book club, her core value of inspiring others influenced every business choice she made. That became the criteria for my own business decisions. While creating Cognitive Profiles for all your role models, it often becomes glaringly apparent what skills, traits and habits you yourself need that, when incorporated, will accelerate your vision into fruition. Get excited you now know what you need and how to get it!

Begin to Model Success Today

Start with the preceding three steps. Read between the lines. Look for patterns. Ask yourself:

Do they use the language of possibility or necessity?
Necessity is words like :have to; must; need to, and possibility examples are, want to, can. An example of necessity is, I have to listen now. An example of possibility is, I want to listen now.

Are they toward or away-from motivated?
Do they move toward what they want in life or away from what they don't want? If they are propelled toward what they want, then positive statements like. Money will give me freedom and a sense of achievement, will motivate them. If they move away from what they don't want, negatively expressed statements such as. Money will mean I'll never be broke again, will motivate them.

Are they abstract or detailed thinkers?
Such as a big picture thinker or a specific and detailed thinker. Better at leading self or others? What strategies consistently get them results? Where can I apply all those patterns in my own business?

You have now begun Cognitive Reimprinting. Eliminating any of your own inner obstacles to success and repatterning your neurology toward the mindset and behaviours of ultimate fulfillment.

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