Thursday 29 November 2007

THE ONE MINUTE COACH™ : Change Your Life One Minute at a Time

My friend in Spain, Masha Malka, has written an e-book in a series of easy life-changing weekly routines you can carry out at home, at work, or at play. You won't need to go to classes, you won't need expensive CDs or DVDs and even the busiest of people will be able to use this book whenever they have a spare minute - the results can be extraordinary!

"The One Minute Coach is an excellent source of quick, easy-to-read applied wisdom. And it's so well organized that I can always come back to specific sections when needed."

Click here to order Masha Malka's "One Minute Coach" and receive your FREE bonuses (amazing e-books, seminars, audio programs,e-courses, charitable donations and more!

America’s Business Growth Guru Joel Block wrote this about Masha Malka and her new book:
“How is it that some people — who start at the absolute bottom and have the furthest to travel up the mountain — are the most successful at scaling the highest peaks in their quest for success?

One of the shining star examples of somebody that started at the bottom is Masha Malka. As a teenager, she left an economically depressed country in a politically oppressed environment. At that time her family left the Soviet Union and moved as refugees into another part of Europe. Masha managed to learn new language skills and make all new friends, while at the same time, her family had to start over economically. She obviously learned a lot from the experiences of her childhood.

Masha has taken those experiences and put what she learned into one of the most unusual manuscripts that I've ever seen. Masha Malka has put together a book that helps anyone who wants to move from "here to there." The secret is within the new process she formatted for taking action.

It's laid out different than any book I've ever seen before. She starts by identifying the achievements that you want to accomplish and on the facing page, the steps that you need to take are already laid out for you. Just a few pages of this easy to read book will start to put you on a course of action that is both powerful and real. I've never seen anything laid out this way, and it certainly spoke to me…”
Go here to read the rest.

Visit Masha Malka's "One Minute Coach" and read all the testimonials for yourself. I recommend this book to you.

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