Wednesday 3 December 2008

Remembering Perfection – Everyday Inspiration for Living your Spirituality

I met Jessica Johnson at a Christopher Howard training course in July 2008. Today I received an email to say she has published a book.

Book: Remembering Perfection – Everyday Inspiration for Living your Spirituality Wednesday, 03 December 2008

Remembering Perfection is focused on how to live in the world with a spiritual focus, so that it is not something separate from our everyday lives. Written with great honesty and humour it is designed to encourage those who feel like giving up, who intellectually know the ideas but cannot seem to make them work in their life. This book comes with the voice of experience, a feeling that the principles contained within are not just theory, but have been put into practice and seen to succeed. Full of practical tips, Remembering Perfection brings the ideas to life and shows you how each and every day we can joyously take the steps towards living a life with love, veracity and truth.

The excerpt comes from the chapter Being Real – Jessica chose it through the time honoured oracle method – think of what you want to know or do and open the book! With all the busy-ness in the world (and bus-i-ness) in the world it felt just right. Enjoy!
”Living life spiritually – applied spirituality – is about being practical, being honest with yourself at all times. How often have you found yourself in this type of situation; a dozen projects to finish, not enough time and two other people wanting your time too? We end up in people-pleasing mode rather than being-real mode. How can we change this? How can we do the tasks in our day, achieve what we want and not get into overwhelm?

Approach everything you do with an attitude of being real. To learn that we are loved for who we are, we have to take the risk of consciously breaking the stressed achiever’s pattern of behaviour. When setting priorities, be real with them. Look at the practicalities of the situation. Learn to say no, both to yourself, ‘No, I won’t give into the habit of pleasing others in detriment to myself’. And, ‘No’ to others who push you beyond what is humanly and humanely possible. If we take this level of responsibility we cannot blame others if we feel overwhelmed.

To help you start this process, look at all the tasks that are creating the feeling of overwhelm and list them in order of importance. Now ask yourself, what can be dropped until a later date? What can have a lesser amount of time allotted to it? What has to be done now? If you take a step back and look you will see a pattern of how you create this overwhelm, both in the workplace and in your personal life. Not only could you prioritise yourself out of it, but also you could stop it happening in the first place. Overwhelm is created in our lives when we are so focused on what has to happen in the future that we feel unable to take one step forward. By bringing our focus back to now, prioritising now, overwhelm decreases magically.

Most importantly, do the tasks to the best of your ability, but remember that it is part of the play; God’s play, and enjoy it. Stop trying to get life done, that’s not being real. Learn to enjoy whatever the task is before you, rather than getting it done so you can move on. We wish life away like that, and lose the gift of the present moment. We can realise our divinity in any moment in any task whatever our like or dislike of it. If you are totally focused on the end of the journey you will forget to enjoy the view along the way.”

To buy the book you can go to Jessica's website . For the first 30 copies bought you get a signed copy and if you are buying it for someone else (Christmas pressies?) just let her know and she will personalise it for them. Just click the Add instructions to the Seller link on the Paypal payment page and text box will appear. Once those copies are sold the link on her site will be forwarded to the publisher's site for direct mailout from them.

It would be great if this book could be available to as many people who want it so please do feel free to pass on this to anyone you think will enjoy it.

For those of you who run seminars or workshops and think that this would be an asset to have for sale please do get in touch and we can arrange supply. Jessica is also available to give presentations, talks or workshops focused on the book, please drop her a line if you are interested. web:

Click here for two free guest tickets to Christopher Howard's "Breakthrough to Success" weekend seminar,

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