Thursday 7 July 2011

Free Tickets for The Millionaire Mind Intensive with T Harv Eker

This weekend I heard T Harv Eker speak for the first time. He is the phenomenally successful author of "The Millionaire Mind" who went from zero to a millionaire in 2 1/2 years. He said,

"Money is energy.
Big money is big energy.
Small money is small energy."

"A lack of money is never a problem but just a symptom of what the root cause is."

"The only way to change your outer world permanently is to change your inner world."

He is offering free tickets for his "Millionaire Mind Intensive" 3 days program to be held in London from 2-4 September 2011 or in Amsterdam or Germany in Spring 2012.

Visit the site and hear why you want to be at this weekend. You can also download his free ebook "Get Hardwired for Success."

I'm going. Are you?

I'm also taking my 13 year old son for a fantastic start to his financial success.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

learned a lot from