Friday, 16 December 2011

I Had The Strangest Dream Whilst Taking a Catnap

I had the strangest dream whilst taking a catnap during working hours.

Next to my bed was a carpeted seating area with lots of cushions. Outside of this was a small flat roof which was overflowing with rainwater although it seemed to me there had been no rain recently and it was pleasantly sunny. The rainwater did not go down the drainpipe presumably because it was blocked by leaves and I had not cleared the blockage. Instead the rainwater was coming into my bedroom via a ventilation brick. I saw the water which was a couple of inches deep and was moving the cushions away when I heard a sound in the adjacent store room.

I found there a workman and asked him what he thought he was doing and how had he got into my house? He replied, “Well, I’m working with Mark.” Mark was a carpenter who specialized in marquetry. I had hired him to do some decorative woodwork in my living room. At that point, Mark walked sheepishly into my bedroom, apologized that he had not told me that the other man would be there and he had used my key rather than first check whether I was at home.

Suddenly, I heard my son laughing and playing in the garden and remembered that he had a friend with him. I looked out of the window and saw them running out of the garden down a side road. I called out to him but he did not hear. I left the workmen and ran after my son and his friend.

At the bottom of the road were ordinary houses but today the area had been transformed into an outdoors convention of The Salvation Army, the people who wear uniforms and play religious music and preach the Gospel. They can often be seen in town centres around Christmas when people give them money for the poor. In fact, I saw a TV commercial for them yesterday hoping to raise money for families who could not afford to buy any Christmas presents, let alone the ones their children really wanted. Meanwhile my children will receive an excess of LEGO and other toys which they want.

There were some stands set up providing drinks and food for these people but not the loud, garish burgers and chips type of stalls. They were serving plain warm English food like stew and bowls of soup.

This chain of events is symbolic to me. First, I was sleeping during working hours. On the one hand I know I should not have been doing this although I accept that a short sleep is better than a couple of coffees when tired. I know tonight that I have two hours of driving and an evening of networking so want to be refreshed.

I thought it had been sunny and had not noticed the rain which was now overflowing. There is a financial crisis on which I tend to think of affecting other people, not me, due to my mindset. At the same time I am dipping into capital rather than doing the necessary work to create income through different sources.

I was spending money on decorative work rather than ensuring the foundations were strong ie allowing the flooding to happen by not clearing the drainpipes. Beauty is a high value of mine and I like to look at beautiful things. Sometimes I fail to see the reality because I am so focused on what I want to see.

My son and his friend were alone yet I was responsible for them both. Why was I sleeping instead of supervising them? I am often doing my things but not being there for my children, especially my younger son, as the older one receives more attention through help with his school studies.

The Salvation Army were gently, in a non-intrusive way, reminding me of my soul, my spiritual side.

All very vivid and clearly lots of messages.

©Antonia Harrison 2011 from Personal Development in the 21st Century

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Top Five Regrets of the Dying

I saw this article about a a powerful book by a wonderful woman named Bronnie Ware which focuses in on the actual voiced regrets of people she encountered when they were dying. Powerful stuff – go and pick up the book! Here’s a small excerpt:

For many years I worked in palliative care. My patients were those who had gone home to die. Some incredibly special times were shared. I was with them for the last three to twelve weeks of their lives.

People grow a lot when they are faced with their own mortality. I learnt never to underestimate someone’s capacity for growth. Some changes were phenomenal. Each experienced a variety of emotions, as expected, denial, fear, anger, remorse, more denial and eventually acceptance. Every single patient found their peace before they departed though, every one of them.

When questioned about any regrets they had or anything they would do differently, common themes surfaced again and again. Here are the most common five:

1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

This was the most common regret of all. When people realise that their life is almost over and look back clearly on it, it is easy to see how many dreams have gone unfulfilled. Most people had not honoured even a half of their dreams and had to die knowing that it was due to choices they had made, or not made.

It is very important to try and honour at least some of your dreams along the way. From the moment that you lose your health, it is too late. Health brings a freedom very few realise, until they no longer have it.

2. I wish I didn’t work so hard.

This came from every male patient that I nursed. They missed their children’s youth and their partner’s companionship. Women also spoke of this regret. But as most were from an older generation, many of the female patients had not been breadwinners. All of the men I nursed deeply regretted spending so much of their lives on the treadmill of a work existence.

By simplifying your lifestyle and making conscious choices along the way, it is possible to not need the income that you think you do. And by creating more space in your life, you become happier and more open to new opportunities, ones more suited to your new lifestyle.

3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.

Many people suppressed their feelings in order to keep peace with others. As a result, they settled for a mediocre existence and never became who they were truly capable of becoming. Many developed illnesses relating to the bitterness and resentment they carried as a result.

We cannot control the reactions of others. However, although people may initially react when you change the way you are by speaking honestly, in the end it raises the relationship to a whole new and healthier level. Either that or it releases the unhealthy relationship from your life. Either way, you win.

4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.

Often they would not truly realise the full benefits of old friends until their dying weeks and it was not always possible to track them down. Many had become so caught up in their own lives that they had let golden friendships slip by over the years. There were many deep regrets about not giving friendships the time and effort that they deserved. Everyone misses their friends when they are dying.

It is common for anyone in a busy lifestyle to let friendships slip. But when you are faced with your approaching death, the physical details of life fall away. People do want to get their financial affairs in order if possible. But it is not money or status that holds the true importance for them. They want to get things in order more for the benefit of those they love. Usually though, they are too ill and weary to ever manage this task. It is all comes down to love and relationships in the end. That is all that remains in the final weeks, love and relationships.

5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.

This is a surprisingly common one. Many did not realise until the end that happiness is a choice. They had stayed stuck in old patterns and habits. The so-called ‘comfort’ of familiarity overflowed into their emotions, as well as their physical lives. Fear of change had them pretending to others, and to their selves, that they were content. When deep within, they longed to laugh properly and have silliness in their life again.

When you are on your deathbed, what others think of you is a long way from your mind. How wonderful to be able to let go and smile again, long before you are dying.

Life is a choice. It is YOUR life. Choose consciously, choose wisely, choose honestly. Choose happiness.


P.S. Did this article stir something in your soul (like it did with mine)? Let’s talk. I’ve worked with many clients who have the same questions — and we developed a successful plan to turn that around. If you’re not a client . . . pick up the phone and call me. You can find me at

article by Rich Gee

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Clarify Your Values

By: Brian Tracy August 28, 2011

Decide What You Stand For

What are your values? What do you stand for? What are the organizing principles of your life? What are your core beliefs? What virtues do you aspire to, and hold in high regard when you see them demonstrated by others? What will you not stand for? What would you sacrifice for, suffer for, and even die for? These are extremely important questions that are only asked by about three percent of the population, and that small minority tends to be the movers and shakers in every society.

Write Out Your Key Values

When I first began this values clarification exercise some years ago, I wrote out a list of 163 qualities that I aspired to. I think I eventually came up with every virtue, value or positive descriptive adjective that referred to personality and character in the dictionary. And I agreed with all of them. I felt that they were all important and I wanted to incorporate every single one of them into my character.

Focus on Very Few Core Beliefs

But then reality sets in. I realized that it is very hard to learn even one new quality, or to change even one thing about myself, let alone dozens of things. So I scaled down my ambitions and began narrowing the values down to a small number that I could manage and work with. Once I had settled on about five core beliefs, I was then able to get to work on myself and start making some progress in character development.

Select Your Five Key Values

You should do the same. You should write down the five values that you feel are the most important for you to live by. Once you have those five values, you then organize them in order of priority. Which is the most important value in your hierarchy of values? Which would be second? Which would be third, and so on?

Learn To Make Better Decisions

Every choice or decision you make is based on your values. Whenever you decide between alternatives, you invariably choose the alternative that you value the most. Because you can only do one thing at a time, everything you do is a demonstration of what you consider to be the most important at that moment. Therefore, organizing your values in an order of priority is the starting point of personal strategic planning. It is only when you are clear about what you value, and in what order, that you are capable of planning and organizing the other activities of your life.

Action Exercises

Here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action: First, clarify your core beliefs and your unifying principles. Write them down and compare your life today with the values that are really important to you. How are you doing? Second, organize your values in order of their importance to you. Which of your values is most important? Which is second? And so on. Do your current choices reflect this order of values?

Monday, 28 November 2011

My Gift of $4,570 in Quality Self-Development Tools

I'd like to give you a gift worth $4,570.

That’s right. There’s NO catch, NO small-print, NO subscription charges.
Just $4,570 in quality self-development tools that you’ll cherish for years to come.

Click here for Self-Growth Giveaway

Just some of the many gifts you will receive:
* Two hypnosis downloads of your choice.
* A Relaxation Screensaver - with 250+ beautiful Images.
* The Ultimate Self-Esteem Workbook.
* An Audio interview with Dr Joe Vitale from The Secret.
* A Mystery gift from Tony Robbins.

There is no point in my listing everything when you can go straight to the Self-Growth Giveaway site and see for yourself.

Antonia Harrison from The Secret and Law of Attraction and Personal Development in the 21st Century .

Friday, 25 November 2011

How To Be The Best Entrpreneur in the World

Editor’s note: James Altucher is an investor, programmer, author, and entrepreneur. He is Managing Director of Formula Capital and has written 6 books on investing. His latest book is I Was Blind But Now I See. You can follow him on Twitter @jaltucher.

Iʼm writing this white sitting in a hotel room. To my left is the Pacific Ocean and all the magical San Francisco fog stuff people kept whispering to me about. About 12 floors downstairs Claudia is doing yoga in the gym.

About four feet directly behind me is a woman that is a complete stranger to me who is having an unbelievably long orgasm. Thereʼs a wall between us. Hold on a second while I take a glass and listen against the wall.

If there was no wall there then this whole thing would probably have been pretty awkward. I probably would not have been able to keep staring at the computer screen, for instance.

Sex is like driving. In polls, nine out of ten people think they are “above average”. Letʼs say for a second that “average equals median” (I donʼt want to get into basic math arguments in the comments). Clearly, then, itʼs impossible for nine out ten people to be above average.

Itʼs also like sales or negotiating or poker or being “a good judge of people”. Nine out of ten think they are above average.

Most people have overinflated views of their performance in a variety of areas.

Letʼs go back to Malcolm Gladwellʼs book, “Outliers” for a second. To guarantee being among the best in the world at something you pretty much need 10,000 hours of practice as per his “10,000 hour rule”. He cites the Beatles as an example. They were basically average, then they put in their 10,000 hours by playing 24 hours a day for a few years in German strip clubs and then they became the best band in history. You can argue Bobby Fischer was a fairly average chess player until he put in his 10,000 hours. Then he was the best in history. My friend Ylon made nothing in poker for ten years then suddenly made $3 million and was among the best in the world. He put in his 10,000 hours. (See, “My Year Where I Did Nothing But Play Poker”)

You donʼt have to be the best in history to be above average. But most things that are worth doing (being an entrepreneur, amassing a good amount of money as a result) have a very steep learning curve and then it flattens out. So maybe 1000 hours gets you better than most people (above average) and then the next 2000-5000 hours gets you to be the best in your circle of colleagues (i.e. good enough to make a great living at it) and then from 5000-10,000 hours is the subtle refinements that are needed to be the best in the world. They require 5000 hours precisely because they are unobvious and subtle.

But thatʼs ok. Who cares about the other 5000 hours. Itʼs the first 2000-5000 hours that are the most important. We need to feed our families and then be able to enjoy life. Not everyone needs to be the Beatles (who, its unclear if they were ever truly happy) or Steve Jobs (who was screaming on the phone at Eric Schmidt months before his death about how much he was going to sue Google for stealing the Android operating system). (See also, “10 Unusual Things I Didn’t Know About Steve Jobs”)

Based on my own experience being an entrepreneur and talking to hundreds of other entrepreneurs, 2000-5000 hours experience is whatʼs needed to be a successful entrepreneur. Successful enough to build a product people want, get revenues, sell the business.

Itʼs nice to have the 2000-5000 hours in your passion or field of interest and then spend the next 10,000 hours focusing on how to be happy and healthy. This is my recommendation at least.

What do you do during those 5000 hours? How do you get better at something? If you are doing any of the below then you have my permission to clock in on the 5000 hours, but I think the below have to be done with balance. You canʼt do one without the others:

Experience. The Beatles would never have gotten good if they just read books about music. Tiger Woods started swinging the club (iʼm being literal) when he was three, etc. If you want to be an entrepreneur, start coming up with ideas now, ideas that are doable with limited resources. Start doing them, start selling them to customers, investors, acquirers. Just start.

Self-analysis. Thinking about what you are doing and coming to logical conclusions about how to be better. For instance, in poker, reviewing the hands you played that day and thinking of ways you couldʼve played them differently.

Tutor/Mentor. Every great chess player has had a teacher. I donʼt really think there are any exceptions to this. That probably goes for most games, sports, or anything thatʼs difficult to get good at (race car driving, etc). Most entrepreneurs I know have had mentors. For myself, I worked at a big corporation before I was an entrepreneur. The corporation: HBO / TIme Warner, is one of the best-run mega-corporations out there. The corporation itself was my business mentor (“corporations are people, my friend” – Mitt Romney). Iʼve also spent a lot of time with one of the best unsung businessmen in history.

History. The Beatles clearly studied the music of Elvis. They probably also studied jazz from the 20s. My guess is they also studied the art of the fugue from Bach. Bobby Fischer once disappeared for a year (as a 13 year old) and studied every game played in the 1800s. When he resurfaced he had subtle improvements on obscure chess openings (the Latvian Gambit, for instance) that were last seen at high-level play in the 1800s. A great example of his knowledge of the history of chess is how he secured a draw in the last game of the Fischer-Spassky match when he transposed a complicated very modern Sicilian Defense into an old, drawish Scotch Gambit to secure the draw and win the match.

Talking. Associating with not just tutors but other serious students of the field you are interested in is a good way to exchange ideas, synthesize the ideas you have about the field you are in with the ideas you have, mate them, and come up with new ideas that neither of you wouldʼve thought on your own. The collaboration between Lennon and McCartney being a great example of this. The collaboration between Brin and Page being a modern entrepreneurial version of this. (See, “Why is Larry Page different than me and why didnʼt Google buy my company?”)

Failure. Learning from your accidents (“I will no longer drive through a Stop sign”) catapults you through the learning curve very quickly. My kids often give up instantly when they lose at something. Thatʼs ok. They just arenʼt interested. But once you find something where you pick yourself up and you say, “I have to do better next time.” Then you know you are onto something – a passion, a dream, the field where you can become a grandmaster, the field where you can become an entrepreneur. Itʼs a secret you learn about yourself and you can be privately proud that at last you have found the area where very few people will be able to compete. 99% of people give up after a failure in a field. Itʼs the best filter that will tell you that you will eventually succeed. Then, once you fail and want to learn from it – go to #2 above – Self-Analysis, and begin anew.

Explore. How do you get to be a great computer scientist? Study biology. How do you get to be a great investor? Study music. Ideas mate with each other and then evolution will get rid of the deformed offspring and keep the offspring that quickly adapt to the new generation of trials. The only way to have those offspring in your hands is to fully explore brand new fields and make the connections, correlations, causations between the field of your interest and the new field you are studying. I would like to get good at meditation, for instance. What I have found recently is that studying quantum mechanics provides unbelievable insights that I would not have dreamed of. Or being a good daily blogger – I found that studying the insights of Charlie Brown has been immensely helpful.

Balance - In the post, the Nine Ways To Guarantee Success, I list nine things that could get in the way of success for entrepreneurs but it really applies to any endeavor. Avoiding the nine obstacles of: sickness, doubt, vacillating, etc. Then the question is: why do I need to be great at anything. Canʼt I just get by? Sure, but then you probably wonʼt have as much fun in life as the woman with the forty five minute orgasm who is presumably sleeping blissfully just four feet from me.

Source: James Altucher

Monday, 10 October 2011

Spiritual Messengers Global Soul Summit

The Spiritual Messengers Global Soul Summit starts right now and is for Spiritual Messengers, Visionaries and Mission-preneurs of the world. This high-vibrational, intentional & conscious event is for those of you who know you have a message to share with the world; a real calling to do great things, either for humanity or our planet and who also want to live joyful, abundant lives. Commonly this vital & much-needed work is carried out by those souls with huge, generous hearts, who give of themselves whilst asking for very little in return. Unfortunately, that doesn’t pay the bills & often means staying stuck in a job or even a business that just feels like you’re selling your soul! It doesn’t have to be that way any longer! Times have changed. There are many people now combining making a massive difference to our world, whilst at the same time living in abundance, joy, ease & grace, doing what they love.
18 inspirational leaders will guide us through three online events, between the 3rd October 2011 ~ April 2012, each one following on from the other as part of our journey to share our message with the world in a greater way. When you register once now for FREE, this gives you entry for all 3 events!

Click here to register for The Spiritual Messengers Global Soul Summit. Visit Personal Development in the 21st Century and The Secret and Law of Attraction .

Friday, 30 September 2011

How To Attract Corporate Clients

Last week I sent off for Bernadette Doyle's "How to Attract Corporate Clients" home study course and must say it is excellent. I am listening to the CDs in my car which are well-recorded so easy to listen to. Bernadette is interviewed and the content she gives is so smart. She completely does her marketing in a different way to what is taught conventionally and it makes so much sense.

The course includes a very comprehensive manual with material she has used to build her own successful business which is now turning over $1 million per year. There are actual adverts and articles which brought her business, sample proposals, headline ideas and so much more. She also includes a couple of very useful special reports.

Bernadette learnt the hard and expensive way how not to look for business but rather become the person who businesses look for. We would all like to be in that category and Bernadette gives solid, practical advice which we can adapt to our own field.

There is no fluff here because she knows we do not have time to waste. Every five minutes spent on this course is time well invested. In fact, every few minutes I jot down an idea that I know I can put into practice.

I recommend you look at Attract Corporate Clients now before you waste any more time and money.

You can also access the recordings of the "Selling to Corporate Clients" telesummit with ten excellent speakers.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

135 Personal Development Audio Books for Immediate Download

If you're like me, you enjoy listening to inspirational, motivational and informative talks by people in the personal development world. I mean reading books is great but sometimes time does not permit us to read all the books we want. So listening to those books, or at least key parts of the books, is the next best thing. In fact, if we are auditory people, more than visual, listening to a book can be the best way to take in the information.

Many audio books are available to purchase, usually for anywhere from $10 upwards to maybe $50. I ordered one book by Stephen Covey, the classic "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" then decided that listening to the audio book in my car would be the quickest way to access the information. An audio book is available but another Google search lead me to a site which offers 135 audio books from many of the leading speakers in the personal development world. Here is the best part, these 135 audio books are available as immediate download MP3 files for just $27.95. That is $27.95 for all 135 titles. An amazing offer. I am busy downloading files as I write:

- Tony Robbins
- Zig Ziglar
- Stephen Covey
- Les Brown
- Wayne Dyer
- Louise L Hay
- Jim Rohn
- James Allen
- John Earl Shoaff (Jim Rohn's mentor!)
- Dale Carnegie
- Brian Tracy
- Norman Vincent Peale
- Robert G Allen

Famous titles:
- Rich Dad Poor Dad
- Think and Grow Rich
- The Four Hour Work Week
- The Richest Man in Babylon
- The Secret
- The Science of Getting Rich
- The Silva Method
- Who Moved My Cheese? (I read this book today.)

Several audio books on sex and relationships.

There are even meditation audios and hypnosis MP3 download from:
- Paul McKenna
- Wendi Friessen

Yes, some of these titles are freely available to download in the public domain but you have to hunt for them AND I bet there are titles here that don´t come to mind but will be hugely worthwhile.

So, if you want to listen to classic inspirational and motivational thoughts, visit Thanks2Net.Com If you want to test the site, there are three FREE downloads you can listen to immediately.

Bookmark Personal Development in the 21st Century

Develop a Powerful Google Brand with Kerwin Rae

Would you like to learn how to develop a powerful Google brand in as little as 6 weeks? This is the webinar for you to be on...

Kerwin Rae, an internationally recognised expert in turning failing businesses into success stories is holding this one off webinar. He’s the guy that took a business that was losing $7 million dollars a year to making $500k in only 2 years.

Take your business to a new level with an unstoppable Google brand.

In this one off event he’s going to reveal exactly…

- How to get listed on as many as 2,000 websites in as little as 6 weeks.

- The 5 things you must do to get other people raving about you on their website as the expert in your field.

- Learn the 3 secrets of Google branding that will send an almost endless flood of qualified traffic your way.

- How to use your Google brand to get you ranked #1 on Google’s search results.

- Why your Google brand will give you FREE advertising on thousands of qualified sites, and

- How to outsource your entire Google brand strategy so other people reliably implement it for you. You get the new leads and positioning and you barely have to lift a finger or pay much at all.

A not to be missed webinar in 2011...

Visit Success Resources to register for this free webinar.

Bookmark Personal Development in the 21st Century

Friday, 16 September 2011

Quotes on Time and Tasks Left Undone

"You will never find time for anything. If you want time, you must make it." ~Charles Bixton

"A task left undone remains undone in two places - at the actual location of the task, and inside your head. Incomplete tasks in your head consume the energy of your attention as they gnaw at your conscience. They siphon off a little more of your personal power every time you delay. No need to be a perfectionist, but it's good to be a 'completionist.'

If you start it, finish it or forget it."
~ B. Kumaris

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Louise Hay I Can Do It in London

I CAN DO IT! London 2011

A Weekend Event: Friday 23rd– Sunday 25th September 2011


Louise Hay, Thomas Moore, Marianne Williamson, Caroline Myss, Cheryl Richardson, Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton, Michael Neill, Ali Campbell, Lynne McTaggart, Vianna Stibal, Karl Dawson & Sasha Allenby.

Join us for the ultimate mind body spirit event featuring 13 of the world’s foremost inspirational authors and speakers!

Heal Your Life* Revitalise your Mind, Body and Spirit* Create Happiness*

Louise Hay, founder of Hay House Publishers, and author of "You Can Heal Your Life", established the first I Can Do It! event in the US five years ago as a forum for kindred spirits to gather, heal themselves and each other, and meet leading mind body spirit teachers. I Can Do It! is the type of event that will revitalize your soul, recharge your body and bring a sparkle back into your life. The event will be introduced by Louise Hay personally and Cheryl Richardson and Louise Hay will also give the closing keynote presentation. Inspirational lectures and workshops by bestselling authors Marianne Williamson, Caroline Myss, Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton and others will give you the chance to work personally with mind body spirit speakers from around the world.

Join us and be inspired!



Special Event – Film Premiere

There will be a complimentary film screening during the lunch break from 1.30pm - 2.30pm on Sunday 25th September. This will be an open screening and you are free to come and go and watch the film while eating your lunch. The film title will be revealed on the Hay House website in September. Until then it’s a surprise...


PASADENA 14-16 October 2011 Hay House, Inc.

TAMPA 11-13 November 2011 Hay House, Inc

Visit Personal Development in the 21st Century and The Secret and Law of Attraction .

Selling to Corporates Free Online Seminar

If you want to sell your products or services to the corporate world, then I highly recommend you join Bernadette Doyle as she hosts this first ever FREE online summit starting on Monday 12 September 2011.

Click Selling to Corporates

Bernadette Doyle is a single mum with two boys of 3 and 5 yet her online business is earning one million dollars a year. She has doubled her revenue in the last two years.

Bernadette has lined up 10 experts who know what they are talking about on the topic of winning business with Big Companies.

This promises to be an amazing event and I know Bernadette Doyle:Client Magnets always delivers. Register here: Selling to Corporates

Monday, 25 July 2011

When A Door Closes

"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us." - Helen Keller

Thursday, 21 July 2011

The Glass Jar

There are many versions of this story so here is mine:

A famous teacher sat in front of a group of new students. He placed a large glass jar on the table. He looked at the students but said nothing.

Then out of a bag he took ten rocks and began placing them, one by one, into the jar until there was no more room in the jar. When the jar was filled to the brim with rocks, he asked his students:

"Is the jar full?"

They all agreed that it was.

The teacher then took some pebbles from another bag and carefully poured them into the jar around the rocks until no more pebbles would fit. He again asked the group,

‘Tell me, is the jar now full?’

The students said, yes, this time it was definitely full. At that point, the teacher opened a third bag, this time full of fine sand and began to pour it into the jar. He filled up any empty spaces between the large rocks and the pebbles until no more sand would fit in the jar.

He turned to the group and said, “Tell me, is the jar now full?” No one dared to answer.

The teacher said nothing and turned to the floor to pick up a jug of water. He took the jug and carefully poured the water into the jar. He turned to the group and asked, “Tell me, is the jar now full?”

There was silence. He turned to find a small pile of fine dry salt. He carefully dissolved it into the water, around the sand, the pebbles and the rocks until no more salt could be dissolved in the water. Once again he asked the group, “Tell me is the jar now full?”

“Yes,”’ said the teacher. ‘Now the jar is full. What do you think I’ve been trying to demonstrate to you?’ He invited the group to consider the meaning of his story. How did they interpret it? Why had the teacher told it? There were as many interpretations as there were people in the room. The teacher listened to each person. He reflected that each person interpreted the experience through their own particular and unique perspective through which they understood the world.

Then he gave his own interpretation that the jar represents our life so it is up to you how you choose to fill it. The rocks represent the most important and long-lasting ie family, health, your mission, your passion. The pebbles are the projects such as work, education, home. The sand is everyday routine and chores. The water represents the flow of activity and the salt is the extra we can take on when the important has been looked after.

We have to make a solid foundation with the large rocks first because if we fill the jar first with sand, there won’t be any room for the rocks. Likewise, we should prioritize our time with the meaningful rather than all the small insignificant things we do every day. Focus on the important.

What are the plans we postpone, the adventures we never have, the loves we let go by? Ask which are the large, solid rocks that keep our passion alive in us and put them into your jar of decisions now, because very soon there will be no room for them.

Antonia Harrison at Personal Development for the 21st Century

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Change Begins With Choice

“Any day we wish; we can discipline ourselves to change it all. Any day we wish; we can open the book that will open our mind to new knowledge. Any day we wish; we can start a new activity. Any day we wish; we can start the process of life change. We can do it immediately, or next week, or next month, or next year.” – Jim Rohn

A book can cost as little as a couple of Starbucks coffees which tastes yummy for a few minutes, gives a surge of energy then brings you lower in mood. Or a book can cost as little as a week’s supply of newspapers which leaves your fingers grubby and your mind focused on negativity. You can buy a book in less time than it takes to queue in McDonalds, or order one from Amazon on your smartphone.

You may even have books at home sitting on the shelf. Someone slaved for hours, maybe years to bring that wisdom to you and you just leave it gathering dust.
Even a book you have read many times can give a new message at a different time because you are constantly evolving and so is your mind and your perception of beliefs and values.

“We can also do nothing. We can pretend rather than perform. And if the idea of having to change ourselves makes us uncomfortable, we can remain as we are. We can choose rest over labor, entertainment over education, delusion over truth, and doubt over confidence.” – Jim Rohn

Other people can change but it takes time, commitment and life is ok, I’m ok. If ok is ok, then ok, read no further.

I read Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach when I was just ten years old. It is the story of the seagull within us all who refused to spend his life searching for scraps of food on the ground but wanted to find out how high he could fly. The elders, the seagulls who kept control of the flock, did not like this and felt uncomfortable and threatened by Jonathan’s quest and challenge to them all so they did what most people do: they banned him. Rather than seek to understand, they sent him away. Jonathan could have become downcast, depressed, even suicidal but he met new teachers who took him further on his journey until he went full circle and returned to his flock to share his new knowledge. It can't have been easy to be Jonathan, I mean searching for scraps of food is about all seagulls do.

When we decide to start this journey of personal growth, we threaten the status quo. Other people may feel uncomfortable by our questions so they pull away, keep the relationship superficial or even cease contact.

Why start something meaningful when it is so much easier to fall asleep on the sofa?

Who wants to read a book, listen to a motivational CD or make breakthroughs at a seminar when you can pour a third glass of wine and settle down to the next episode of a TV programme? Not everyone wants to be Jonathan but as I always say, “Everyone dies but how many people live?”

As children we dream unlimited dreams where everything is possible, even flying. Life is like one long brainstorm where the ideas flow and no-one interjects with rational assessment. Somewhere in the early teens, the grown-ups start finding reasons why our dreams are not achievable and these are totally based on their own beliefs and attitudes.

Sir Richard Branson, the founder of the Virgin group of companies, was diagnosed as dyslexic. His teacher said he would either end up in prison or a millionaire. He ignored the conventions, sought a loan from Coutts Bank dressed in a suit but without shoes, dared to believe and kept stretching his own goalposts. Now worth £4.2 Billion, the Virgin group has challenged the status quo of business, annoyed many companies who thought they had a monopoly eg British Airways and Sir Richard continues to surprise with his unique way of viewing the world and conducting business. Of course, he has also pushed himself with personal challenges in sailing and hot-air ballooning.

” We created our circumstances by our past choices. We have both the ability and the responsibility to make better choices beginning today.” – Jim Rohn

Of course, if life is not how we would like it to be, then there are plenty of people to blame because it could not possibly be our fault, could it? When you think of all the times someone has won a promotion unfairly, been given a chance that should have been ours or has attracted the more desirable partner – well, life just dealt the cards that way, didn´t it?

I don’t believe so. As hard as it is to accept, I believe that we are responsible for the way our lives have turned out. I know there are choices I made that lead to circumstances, relationships, seizing of opportunities and other times when it all seemed like too much work so I held back.

Have you ever had an idea for a product but didn’t take it to market only to watch someone else earn the money or the glory? Well it was clearly someone else’s fault that you didn’t e.g. your spouse held you back, your boss made you work unreasonable hours etc. Sir Richard has never had to blame his wife for holding him back even though there were times when she wanted him to stop his death-defying challenges. He made the decisions and did it anyway.

Here’s an idea for you: for the next seven days, every time you shame, blame or justify yourself or anyone else, pop a Dollar/Pound/Euro in a vase and give the money to charity at the end of the week. It will give you a wake-up call.
So is it possible to change? The name of my company is CHANGE for a very good reason: I help people to change, not over years, but quickly. Sometimes in the flash of a moment.

There is no such thing as an unresourceful person, just an unresourceful state. We have all the resources within us. Sometimes other people can see potential in us, can see the limiting beliefs which are chaining us to the past instead of the future of no limits.

It takes a brave person to change but if you were not brave, you would not be reading this text. A change in mindset is so liberating and it can happen right now, this moment. You have the power to choose to change.
“Change is the essential process of all existence.” – Spock, stardate 5730.2

When would now be a good time to change?

©Antonia Harrison 2011.
Antonia Harrison is the English Hypnosis & NLP Coach in Belgium. Her passion is personal growth, her mission to inspire and motivate herself and others on our journey in life.

Quotes from Jim Rohn

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Free Tickets for The Millionaire Mind Intensive with T Harv Eker

This weekend I heard T Harv Eker speak for the first time. He is the phenomenally successful author of "The Millionaire Mind" who went from zero to a millionaire in 2 1/2 years. He said,

"Money is energy.
Big money is big energy.
Small money is small energy."

"A lack of money is never a problem but just a symptom of what the root cause is."

"The only way to change your outer world permanently is to change your inner world."

He is offering free tickets for his "Millionaire Mind Intensive" 3 days program to be held in London from 2-4 September 2011 or in Amsterdam or Germany in Spring 2012.

Visit the site and hear why you want to be at this weekend. You can also download his free ebook "Get Hardwired for Success."

I'm going. Are you?

I'm also taking my 13 year old son for a fantastic start to his financial success.

free ebook - Affirmative Power - The Science of Affirmations

“If there was ever a single, powerful way to create change,
it would probably be through the use of affirmations” – Jack Roberts

Affirmations are the key to tapping into the magnificent abundance of the universe, and this book will show you how to open the lock.

Jack Roberts is giving away his new book to anyone who wants it. Go to his website to register and get your copy of "Affirmative Power - The Science of Affirmations".

One of the most influential books ever written,
(a book making a major impact
on the human potential field.)

During the all day launch party on 11 July, he will be breaking down the Science behind affirmations and show you the true powers that they hold. Get more info on his website at and spread the word about this powerful event.
FREE e-book Your Unlimited Self

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

The Grass May Look Greener

"The grass may look greener on the other side, but believe me, it's just as hard to cut."

Little Richard

Thursday, 26 May 2011

A Website for When You Are Stuck

Here is an interesting blog, about stucknesses and stuckification, or just plain "being stuck". It happens to us all.

The intro says,
Stuff we talk about around here:

Destuckification: working through the stucknesses that get in the way of doing your thing.
Mindful biggification: the art and science of getting your thing into the hands of your Right People without feeling icky or weird.

Visit The Fluent Self

Thursday, 19 May 2011

It Is Safe To Take the Next Step

It is safe to take the next step.

Too often fear gets in the way of you taking the next steps towards your greatness. Perhaps there’s something you know you need to do, yet don’t do it. Remind yourself that each next step (whether or great success, or a difficult “failure") is leading you to where you’re meant to be. Trust this is true, and as you do so, you’ll begin to see that it is absolutely safe to take the next step. It will only lead you (one way or the other) to being more of who you’re here to be.

Love and blessings,

Christine Kloser
“The Transformation Catalyst”
Three-Time Award Winning Author

Visit Personal Development in the 21st Century

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Great Resources if You Want to Write a Book

Do you have a book in you? Many people do but have no idea how to bring it to fruition. In these times of digital media, Kindle and iPad, a traditional paper copy is not the only way to go.

There is a wealth of information which might spark your creative juices.

I recommend the blog

Two acquaintances of mine, Bert Verdonck & Mindy Gibbins, publish
Write a Book in 100 Days

Mindy Gibbins is The Book Midwife

A great resource for Printing on Demand is Ecademy Press.

I also recommend you consider John Eggen. He gave a teleseminar last week about how to "Write a Client-Attracting Book Fast that Makes Up to $150,000 Before It's Published" (and more thereafter)?

It was an exceptionally content-rich teleseminar.

If you've ever dreamed of writing and publishing a book -- or are doing it now -- I recommend you download the recording from this event (available for a limited time

Claim your John Eggen teleseminar recording

You will discover:

* Why now (more than ever) a book can bring you more and
better clients who will gladly pay you the fees you

* Top 5 ways to attract new clients from a book BEFORE it's even written

* Why traditional publishing works against an independent professional and how insiders really use a book to attract clients and build a business

* How to write and publish this caliber of book in as few as 90 days

* An excellent Q&A session

Robert Middleton, the well-known marketing expert, has had more than 244 of his clients benefit significantly from John´s programs already. Robert endorses him very highly. Listen to this replay and you'll see why Robert recommends him frequently.

NOTE: I suggest you listen to the recording in the next 24 hours. There is a valuable free gift (a $500.00 value) offered to attendees during the interview. But it is a time-limited free gift.

Thursday, 21 April 2011

What Can You Do To Improve a Poor Memory?

Do You Have A Poor Memory?
Of all the mental faculties of humans, the faculty of memory has been the most mysterious from times immemorial. Most of us think that if a person is born with a good memory, he is lucky. We tend to categorize people into two segments – those with a good memory and those with a poor memory.

We believe that a person having a poor memory is cursed for a life time and no matter what he does, there is no way of improving one’s memory capacity. A very small percentage of world population has a fairly good knowledge of how memory works, why most often our memory fails us and how, at times, we can remember certain things so well.

Interestingly, any two individuals on this planet have exactly the same capacity for memory. This may sound incredible, as it is in opposition with our daily experience of witnessing people with varying levels of memory.

If we really get into the basics, every human being has exactly the same mass in the brain. If we take a look into the basic units or the building blocks of the brain – the brain cells or the neurons – any two brains contain approximately the same number of them. It is estimated that every human brain consists of billions of neurons.

Each neuron is capable of making millions of connections with other neurons. All the possible interneuron connections run into several trillions. Coming to the number of inter-neuron connections, the more the merrier. The reason being, the more connections you have, the more is the “processing speed” of the brain. Viewed in this perspective, the memory capacity one can summon from the brain is awesome.

There is absolutely no reason why any individual has to suffer from a poor memory. The individual differences in respect of memory capacities, which we perceive are just the differences in the utilization levels and not those of built-in capacity.

The situation may be likened with two manufacturing units with exactly the same installed capacities. One of them may be fully harnessing its potential and deriving maximum potential. The other might have been ridden with several problems and hence is performing far below the actual capacity.

The point is any two individuals in this world have the same built-in capacity of memory. But how much positive result they take out of it, actually depends on how they utilize the innate potential.

Good memory Vs. Bad memory

If that be the case, then, how do you explain the unmistakable experience of witnessing some people having good memory and some other people having bad memory? In fact, there is nothing like a good memory or a bad memory. Every person has good memory in some areas and also bad memory in certain other areas.

For example, a student may find it too difficult for him to remember the Newton’s laws of Motion. The same student may have an excellent memory for facts and figures on tennis. People around us tend to brand us as a person with a good memory or otherwise, depending on whether they attach importance to what we remember or what we forget.

In the above case, the student may be branded as a person with a poor memory by his elders and teachers as he was unable to remember his academics. Whereas, his friends etc. may be all praise for his memory, as he can reel off so many facts and figures on tennis.

The student in question now has a choice. He can accept his friends’ version that he has a good memory. Or he can succumb to the verdict of his authority figures that he has a very poor memory.

If you were that student, what is your choice? Of course, your friends' version, right? Please understand that this is only the starting step. To improve your memory in your so-called “weak areas”, you need to use certain memory improvement techniques. Using these techniques, it is possible to improve your memory to an incredible level.

Top 3 Myths On Memory Improvement
Improving your memory is a skill and involves a process. Before you initiate this process, it is important to get some facts right about your brain. Nothing is sadder than not being able to take action by believing in certain myths about memory. How do you come out if this?

There are several myths about memory improvement. Here, I have given information on the top 3 myths. I know these are the "most popular myths", because, the most frequently asked questions people ask me in my training programmes necessarily involve these issues.

Consuming memory pills and tonics is the easiest way to improve your memory.

Most pills and tonics are effective, but in a very very limited way. These pills are definitely good for the well being of your brain. These pills help you have a "healthy brain".

Please understand that healthy brain does not necessarily mean sharper brain. And if your brain is healthy, there is no guarantee that you will have a great memory.

I will give you a good analogy to explain this concept. You can take some medicines/pills etc to have healthy and strong hands. Does that mean you will be able to play a piano? If you want to play a piano, you need to train your hands to be able to do that. This requires effort and patience. Just having healthy hands will not suffice.

Similarly just having a "healthy brain" will not suffice to have a great memory, though it definitely helps. If you want to have a great memory, you need to train your brain for that. The easiest way to improve you memory is to use memory improvement techniques. These techniques give a really good workout to your brain and build your "memory muscles".

If I cross the age of 40, it is certain that my memory power will deteriorate.

Age is never a deterrent to learn any skill. And memorising is a skill. At any age, anyone can learn any skill. The only thing which is required is the "willingness to try'.

Have you not heard of people who went to ballroom dancing classes at the age of 50? And you must be seeing several 60 yr old people jogging on the streets every morning.

Now, these people chose the option to learn new skills. If a person can choose to be physically fit the age of 60, there is nothing that can stop him to be mentally fit. The most important word here is "ACTION". If you are willing to put in action, you can improve your memory irrespective of your age.

By using more of my memory, I am doing a disservice to myself, as I am using up the precious space in my brain.

This is probably the "biggest" myth. You brain has the storage capacity of more than a million computers. You can never use up the entire capacity of the brain in your entire life. It is just impossible. What you must know, here, is an amazing secret of your brain:

"The more you remember, the more you can remember."

That's right. The more exercise you give to your brain, the sharper it becomes. You learn new information by "hooking" it to the existing information in your brain. So, the more you learn, the more hooks you create in your brain. The more "hooks" you have in your brain, the more information you can "hang" on to your brain.

Now that you are aware of these myths, from now onwards, make sure that these myths do not stop you in your quest of memory improvement.

The 3 Stumbling Blocks of Memory Improvement
Do you have a good memory?
Can you remember any information fast?
Can you recall information whenever you want?

If your answer for the above questions is “No” or “sometimes”, then you need to know about the 3 stumbling blocks of memory improvement. Just the awareness of these blocks would also help you in a great way. So what are thee blocks?

1. Disbelief

Most people have an “amazing level” of disbelief on their memory capacity that they don’t even try to memorise new information.

In my seminars, I usually write a 50 digit number on the white board and ask the audience, “how much time you would take for memorising this number?”

And I get some great answers like:

“You mean the whole 50 digit number?
“I think I will never be able to do it”
“Come again. Memorise what?”
“It will take an year for me”

Well, I do not find fault with any of the above responses. But what is interesting to note is that no one wants even to try it. What causes such disbelief in people in their memory power? The simple answer is “lack of awareness”.

Your brain is the most amazing machine on the planet. If you train your brain, nothing is impossible. Make sure that you give your memory it’s true value.

Many people brag about their memory, but don’t do anything to make it good. You just can’t wish to improve your memory. You need to act. You have to give your memory a good workout.

The next time you want to memorise anything, just make a committed effort to memorise it. Believe that you can do it. You will be surprised with the result.

2. Disinterest

You know that interest plays a vital role in the process of memory. If you have to memorise any information, YOU HAVE TO BE INTERESTED IN IT!

If you don’t, then you will not be able to memorise it. Trying to memorise information, without getting interested in it, is a great way to waste your precious time.

Try to find out ways and means of making the information fun to learn. Try to find an expert on that information and discuss the topic with him. The expert can explain the same information in a way you could never think of. Well, that’s why he is an expert!

Remember this: If the information is not interesting enough, it’s your duty to make sure it is interesting.

3. Disuse

The fastest way to forget information is to not use it in your day-to-day life.
Research indicates that people forget about 80% of the new information they learn in as less as 24 hours. Unbelievable, isn’t it? To stop this loss of information, you have use the information you learn as much as possible.

Some ideas are:

Teach the information to someone else.
Discuss the points with your peers.
Write a summary in your own words.
Write an article about it!
Think how can you teach it to any 5 year old kid.

Memory improvement is not possible unless you kick the three stumbling blocks out of your way. Eliminating these blocks early on in the process of memorising can save you a mighty amount of time and mental energy.

Coming out of the traps of disbelief, disinterest and disuse is you first step to memory improvement.

It’s easy. If only you take action.

Article written by Nishant Kasibhatla. Nishant Kasibhatla is a Grand Master of Memory. He is a trainer, speaker & author of top-selling book: Instant Memory Improvement. To know more about Nishant's workshops, visit . If you are interested to purchase Nishant's Ultimate Memory Course E-book Package, Click Here!

We Can All Learn from Disney Principles

As Sir Isaac Newton said: “If I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants”. As a huge inspiration, Walt Disney is one of those giants.

The Disney staff all have ONE purpose. Powerful, full stop. It is very important to ensure that ALL cast members understand their role towards the BIG purpose. “We create happiness. We provide the finest in entertainment for people of all ages everywhere.”

There are four Walt Disney value principles: dream beyond the boundaries of today, believe in sound values, dare to make a difference, and go out and do it. And, another set, this time, four priorities: safety, courtesy, show and efficiency.

Walt said,“We strive for perfection, but settle for excellence.” Knowing these values and priorities, it is no wonder that the organisation is recognised as having the best customer service in the world.

Remember this, "We have 2 ears and one mouth and we should use them in that ratio." It is key to listen to your audience, that way you can give them what they need.

Ten Disney quotes
1. All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. If you can dream it, you can do it.
2. All the adversity I’ve had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me… You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.
3. Disneyland is a work of love. We didn’t go into Disneyland just with the idea of making money.
4. It takes a lot of money to make these dreams come true.
5. It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.
6. The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique.
7. We believed in our idea – a family park where parents and children could have fun- together.
8. We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.
9. You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality.
10. When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable.

Walt Disney said, "The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." Disney started in 1923 during a recession. The corporation he co-founded, now known as The Walt Disney Company, today has annual revenues of approximately USD $35 billion. I am sure we can all learn something for practical application in our own lives or business.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Turn Your Event Into A Money Machine

Bernadette Doyle's “Event Money Machine 2” began on Monday, 7 February.

I am so excited about this event for several reasons!

1. The results from the original “Event Money Machine” were just outstanding, and I’ve been hearing rave reviews ever since.

2. Bernadette has leveraged her expertise to the get the Best Event Marketing Gurus IN THE WORLD to divulge their best-kept secrets on turning events into money machines.

Bernadette, who specializes in attracting clients like a magnet, offered a similar event this past October, to rave reviews and excellent results – so excellent, in
fact, that she’s doing it again, starting Monday, 7 February! A dozen of the TOP marketing experts worldwide will come together in cyberspace to offer information about how you can make money from live events like seminars, workshops and training courses.

This event is completely unique because it focuses specifically on making your event successful.

Here’s just part of the star-studded lineup:

Bernadette Doyle, Tom Terwilliger, Bob Oros, Callan Rush, Travis Greenlee, Carolyn Blunt, Stephen Beck, Leesa Barnes, Jeremie Miller and Andy Harrington.

It’s a global Who’s Who of Marketing.

And here’s just a sampling of what they’ll cover:

*How honesty can potentially hurt your event and business planning process … and how you can turn this completely on its head!
*How past successes can undermine your future success, and how to stop that cycle in its tracks.
*How to know whether you should speak about that topic you’ve been considering.
*The top 3 reasons business owners fail when trying to get a paid speaking engagement.
*How to most effectively use “word of mouth marketing” to fill your next workshop.
*A magical, 4-step process to triple your results through email marketing.
*An automated method of turning live webinar trainings into a ton more cash.
*How to “train” your audience to purchase your service packages from your live simulcast.
*6 steps to building a strong offering for your audience.
*The single most powerful mindset shift you must make to be extremely successful.

I’ve heard Bernadette speak before, and I know she knows her stuff. Plus, I know that she wouldn’t put together an event that wasn’t different, amazing, and completely powerful. Plus, you can tell from the event line-up that the other top names in marketing take her seriously, too – so trust me, you don’t want to miss out on this opportunity to learn exactly what it takes to turn your event into a powerhouse.

Click here for Event Money Machine 2

When I heard Bernadette speak in November 2009, she was earning $30,000/month. Just 15 months later, she is turning over $ 2-3 million a year. All this while being a mum of two young children. She knows what she is talking about and is sharing this information all this week along with the advice of other marketing experts.

Don't miss it.

Monday, 7 February 2011

Learn Hypnosis from Dr Topher Morrison Video Course

Dr Topher Morrison is the trainer of Clinical Hypnotherapy.

Now he has retired from hypnosis to concentrate on public speaking. He is offering his Complete Journal of the Mind Anthology, his entire 9-day hypnotherapy certification course edited videos of the most powerful, complete, and comprehensive home-study video streaming course ever created.

The course comes with four amazing bonuses of which one is outstanding:

- The “holy grail” for ANYONE committed to learning all there is to know about the unconscious mind are the collected papers of the famed Dr. Milton Erickson. Topher's course comes with PDF versions of every single page of every single volume. That’s…

107 VOLUMES AND over 7500 PAGES!!!

Here are just a few of the many subjects covered in this unique course:

• Identify the 3 biggest saboteurs for people trying to quit smoking AND how if you don’t address them, not even the best hypnotic scripts will work in helping them quit.

• Learn a really cool trick to hypnotize people with their eyes open that is a real “crowd-pleaser” during happy hour and could even be used as a great way to create new clients!

• Modify your voice in 3 easy-to-adopt ways that transform your vocal sounds from a normal sounding person to a hypnotically irresistible speaker.

• Watch as I take a volunteer from the audience who is in actual pain during the course and in LESS THAN 20 MINUTES eliminate over 80% of their pain.

• Feel confident in calling your clients the next day to check on their process with my fool-proof follow up system. There are only 3 possible options after a session and you’ll know with total certainty how to respond to ALL 3 scenarios.

• Tap Into the one internal resource you have that is way more powerful than your will power. In fact, after finding out what this resource is you’ll NEVER need to use will power to change a behavior ever again.

Or how about:
• Learn how to communicate with someone when they are sleeping and communicate directly to their subconscious mind, and in some cases, even have conversations with them that when they wake up, they will have no memory of ever having with you!

• Uncover the secrets of mass hypnosis and learn how to hypnotize large groups of people all at once.

• Learn how to communicate with someone when they are sleeping and communicate directly to their subconscious mind, and in some cases, even have conversations with them that when they wake up, they will have no memory of ever having with you!

• Using sports hypnosis that results in gold medals, yes gold medals.

This is just a tiny snapshot of what Topher is offering in this amazing course. I have seen him speak live and promise me, he is outstanding.

His hypnotherapy training courses used to cost thousands of dollars but he is offering this entire video training course, including all the bonuses, for a giveaway price. Just visit Complete Journal of the Mind Anthology for full details.

Sunday, 30 January 2011

Motivation quote

"Motivation alone is not enough. If you have an idiot and you motivate him, now you have a motivated idiot." —Jim Rohn

It is Up to You by Jim Rohn

One of the first things successful people realize is the old adage, “If it is to be, it is up to me.” That is, for you, the fact that your success and your course is up to you. This doesn’t mean that you do it all alone. It simply means that you take responsibility for your life and your career.

Too many people today look at opportunity and figure it is up to someone else to make sure they get it. They look at financial security and hope that the government will make sure they live safely in retirement or in case of disability. They wait and wait, figuring that it is up to someone else. And then the wait is over, and it is too late to do anything. Their life is over and they are filled with regret.

This isn’t true for you however. You know that you must take responsibility for your life. It is up to you.

The fact is that nobody else is going to do it for you—you must do it yourself.

Now, some people may say, “Jim, that’s a lot of responsibility.” Friends, that is the best news you can ever hear. You get to choose your life. Hundreds of millions of people all around this world would give anything to live in the situation you do—just for the chance to have the opportunity to take control of their destiny. “It is up to you” is a great blessing!

Here’s why:

1. You get to chart your own destiny. Maybe you want to start a small business and stay there. That’s great because you can choose that. Maybe you want to create a small chain of stores. Maybe you want to have a net worth of $100 million. That’s okay too. The idea is that you get to choose. You can do whatever you like. Different people have different dreams and they should live them accordingly.

2. You can reap what you sow. Sleep in and go to work late and reap the return. Or get up early and outwork the others and earn a greater return. Place your capital at risk and earn a return—or place it at greater risk and perhaps reap a greater return. You decide what you will sow and thus what you will reap.

3. No one else can stop you from getting your dream. Yes, there will always be things that come up and people who may not like what you are doing, but you can just move on and chart your own course. There is great freedom in that.

4. You experience the joy of self-determination. There is no greater pride than knowing you set your mind on something and accomplished it. Those who live with a victim mentality never get to experience the joy of accomplishment because they are always waiting for someone else to come to the rescue. Those who take responsibility get to live the joy of seeing a job well done.

Let me ask you a question: Where will you be in five years? Ten years? Or 25 years? Do you know? Do you have an idea? Have you ever dreamed about it or set a goal for it? Are you willing to take responsibility and recognize that, “It is up to you?”

You will be wherever you decide to be in those timeframes. You decide. It is up to you.

And that is very exciting!

Friday, 21 January 2011

Are you a Perfectionist or a Completionist?

"No need to be a perfectionist but its good to be a 'completionist.' If you start it, finish it or forget it."
B Kumaris

Perfectionist is definitely not a term I relate to. I tend to be a completionist most of the time - but not always.

At the end of the year I reflected on the goals I set out to achieve, the ones I completed, and those that were left undone. I feel great about my accomplishments and I want to determine what got in the way of completing the goals that were not achieved.

A common reason a goal remains on our to do list and never ends up on the done list is because we are not 100% committed to do what it takes to get them done. Completion may mean moving into our discomfort zone because we are stepping into unknown territory. We busy ourselves with other seemingly urgent or maybe unimportant activities and then use the excuse "I don't have time."

Other enemies of completion are perfectionism and procrastination. Perfectionism and the subsequent procrastination are rooted in fear. It is not fear of the task itself or perfect results that causes the procrastination. What is there to fear about speaking in front of a group, teaching a teleclass, or making a sales call ? Yet we procrastinate about doing certain tasks because of a fear that we often do not recognize. Instead of prioritizing the task and working to complete it, we hide behind an excuse such as "I don't have the time, the money or maybe the know-how." When in reality what we really fear is a concern that we may fail, or be rejected, laughed at, judged, or criticized. So we procrastinate. We are often not even aware that these and other related fears are the real reason our progress gets derailed.

Coaching tips:
Read Take a new look at achieving your goals
• Identify the benefit of completing your goals - what will be different
• Focus on the benefits/results not on the process
• Find a mentor, coach, or accountability buddy to support you
• Join a Mastermind group
• Revise or eliminate goals that never get achieved

Excuses be gone! No more "yeah but" Take action today!

By Jean Caton

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

The Power of Concentration

I'm going to quote the great author Napoleon Hill on overcoming procrastination.


'The principle of concentration is the medium by which procrastination is overcome. The same principle is the foundation upon which both self-confidence and self-esteem are predicated.'

You can stay where you are right now or you can take Napoleon Hill's advice and learn how to concentrate.

Procrastination is the thief of profit. Run from it. NOW.


Download FREE e-book "The Power of Concentration" by Theron Dumont written in 1918