Monday 26 January 2009

Ask Better Quality Questions

Michael Angier, founder of Success Networks says, “The quality of our lives is closely related to the quality of our questions”.

My friend, Masha Malka, is running a teleseminar answering some great questions that people have sent her.

She is looking forward to answering these questions on the 4th of February live through a teleseminar. If you didn’t get a chance to ASK your question, just go here and do it now.

Some great questions so far:
"Where do you find the self esteem (Love of self) when life has taught you that you are not worth doing things for; only doing for others?
"How do I overcome my fear of prospecting by phone to change it from a dislike into an enjoyable experience?"
"I, and my husband have had soooo many setbacks and things not "go our way" these past two years, that my fear of further set backs is real. I want so much to restore my faith in my ability, because I know how capable I have been in the past. How can I concur this real fear of failure, once and for all, to bring all my dreams to fruition finally? I feel ready in my heart."
"What do you do when you constantly feel overwhelmed with wondering where to start? Is there such a thing as a right place to start or is that just a myth?"
"How do I swallow my fear and move out of my introverted, self-imposed box?"
"What can I do to break through limitations and achieve success? I get started and then serious setbacks occur. It seems to me at the time that they are "just happening" but now I wonder if I'm doing this to myself. How can I tell when I'm sabotaging myself and when I might just not be on the right path?"
"The choice of what shall I do today after I drop the kids off at school… I was procrastinating far too much and feeling guilty about not catching up with friends or reading enough. "
"I have three roads in which I must choose to further my growth. All three I am very passionate about. All three will be done in my lifetime. I just can't decide which road to take first. I've made my lists, pros and cons each are equally important to my growth and my life. How can I further my decision?"
"How can I do what I want and still have the finances to live my life? If what it takes is money to make money, how does one make it when they have little? It seems like my energy is sapped at the end of the day, how do I even plan what I really want to do while working full time? If my goals do not match my spouses, how do I gain support and do what I feel I was meant to do?"
"There are so many things I COULD choose to focus on to pursue as a way to make money. How can I narrow it down and really decide?"
"I would like a career change but am unsure as to what I would like to do. I have looked at careers advice etc on the web, but have difficulty deciding what I would most enjoy. What could help me decide?"
"How can I know of what I really want?? How do I manage a change?"
"How can I stay focused on what moves me forward when there is never enough time to do all that still NEEDS to be done?"

Being able to formulate a question is already part of the solution!

Masha Malka, has written an e-book in a series of easy life-changing weekly routines you can carry out at home, at work, or at play. You won't need to go to classes, you won't need expensive CDs or DVDs and even the busiest of people will be able to use this book whenever they have a spare minute - the results can be extraordinary!

"The One Minute Coach is an excellent source of quick, easy-to-read applied wisdom. And it's so well organized that I can always come back to specific sections when needed."

Click here to order Masha Malka's "One Minute Coach"

Full details of Masha Malka's book "The One Minute Coach" at:

Visit Personal Development in the 21st Century and The Secret and Law of Attraction .

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